1. Sense and future-proof the business from business shocks:
a. Diagnose internal performance to identify and resolve pain points.
b. Sense external market trends and assess their implications on the business, such as geopolitics and technological evolutions.
c. Identify and manage strategic risks.
2. Deliver transformation to step-change business:
a. Conceptualize, drive, and deliver strategic transformations to achieve business goals.
b. Lead transition and integration of new acquisitions.
c. Support the setup, planning, and coordination of strategic projects.
d. Take leadership of strategic projects as designated by the CEO.
e. Leverage long-term strategic plans into cross-functional business plans.
3. Support with insights:
a. Provide external expertise, including competitor insights and peer benchmarking.
b. Identify opportunities for the development of commercial capabilities.
c. Lead the identification of opportunities for commercial development.
d. Provide leadership and management for special projects assigned by the CEO.
4. Own the Strategy:
a. Own all long and short-range strategies.
b. Lead the design and delivery of the 10-year, 3-year (long-range plan), and annual business planning cycles.
c. Manage the involvement and alignment of regional leadership in the planning process.
d. Proactively identify, analyze, and develop initiatives that leverage regional synergies.
e. Collaborate with KO teams in each market to establish long term category development and innovation pipelines aligned with the strategic direction of the business.
5. Liaise with KO:
a. Collaborate with KO at a regional level to align interests and strategy with KO in the spirit of One System.