Projek ini adalah projek di India oleh sebuah syarikat tersenarai besar dari China, dengan keluasan 327,000 meter persegi. Dimulakan pada Disember tahun lalu, calon perlu mengurus pasukan jurutera tempatan India dan melaporkan kepada pengurusan China. Lokasi kerja adalah di Bangalore, India (selepas projek ini berakhir, akan pindah mengikut projek tetapi sentiasa di India). Menandatangani kontrak dengan pihak tempatan India, setiap tiga tahun. Syarikat menyediakan makan dan tempat tinggal (makan di kantin bersama pengurusan China, tinggal di pangsapuri yang disusun di kawasan berdekatan dengan persekitaran yang baik). Memimpin pasukan (sekitar 10 orang), kerja sehari cuti sehari, perlu mahir membaca lukisan dan menggunakan CAD. Cuti pulang ke rumah: 20 hari/setengah tahun, jumlah keseluruhan 40 hari setahun.

Bahasa kerja adalah Bahasa Inggeris dan Bahasa Cina (sekurang-kurangnya mahir mendengar dan bertutur).

Perlu dihantar bekerja ke India.

This project is an Indian project of a large listed company from China, covering an area of 327,000 square meters. It commenced in December last year. The candidate needs to manage a team of local Indian engineers and report to the Chinese management. The base is in Bangalore, India (after the project ends, relocation will follow the project, but always within India). Contracts with local Indian parties are signed every three years. The company provides meals and accommodation (dining with the Chinese management in the cafeteria and living in a well-arranged nearby community with a good environment). Leading a team of about 10 people, with one day off per week, the candidate needs to be able to read blueprints and use CAD. Home visit leave is 20 days per half year, totaling 40 days per year.

The working languages are English and Chinese (at least listening and speaking).

The position requires relocation to work in India.

机电工程师 Jurutera Mekanikal dan Elektrikal Pembinaan

Job Responsibilities


2、负责项目现场机电施工进度、质量、安全 ,做好机电、钢构、装饰幕墙分包管理工作;





1. Responsible for establishing the project's electro-mechanical, steel structure, decorative curtain wall management system and construction process;

2. Responsible for the project site electro-mechanical construction progress, quality and safety, and do a good job in the subcontract management of electro-mechanical, steel structure and decorative curtain walls;

3. Responsible for project electro-mechanical, steel structure, decorative curtain wall technology and quality management;

4. Responsible for cost control of electro-mechanical, steel structure and decorative curtain wall;

5. Responsible for project material control.

6. Make report with PowerPoint according to department’s work and communicate with the owner



2、掌握工民建方面相关专业知识,了解施工相关技术规范, 熟悉安全、文明施工、质量等相关知识,3、熟悉项目管理工作;



1. More than 6 years of on-site management and 3 years of work experience as an electromechanical manager, with post certificates such as technicians and electromechanical personnel;

2. Master the relevant professional knowledge of industrial and civil construction, understand construction-related technical specifications, be familiar with safety, civilized construction, quality and other related knowledge, and be familiar with project management.

3. Skilled office software, especially the making and demonstration of PowerPoint

4. Fluent English and Chinese, with listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

技术工程师 Jurutera Teknikal Pembinaan

  1. 编制各分项工程的施工方案,并进行现场检查,纠正现场错误的施工方法;
  2. 每个工序的施工做法对各个劳务班组进行交底,培训劳工进行正确的操作;
  3. 能深刻理解设计意图,建筑图纸与结构图纸相结合,发现图纸中存在的问题,并熟练Auto CAD软件,进行更正图纸错误的信息;
  4. 施工过程中对建筑物进行有效监控,认真复核轴线位置、标高,门窗洞口尺寸等;
  5. 每周定期对现场工作进行拍照,并进行存档。
  6. 根据所属部门工作情况制作工作汇报ppt并与业主方沟通

1. Compile the construction plan of each sub-project and conduct on-site inspection to correct the wrong construction method on site;

2. The construction methods of each process are explained to each labor team, and the workers are trained to perform correct operations;

3. Able to deeply understand the design intent, combine architectural drawings with structural drawings, find problems in the drawings, and be proficient in Auto CAD software to correct the wrong information in the drawings;

4. Effectively monitor the building during the construction process, carefully review the axis position, elevation, door and window opening size, etc.;

5.Take pictures of on-site work on a weekly basis and archive them.

6.Make report with PowerPoint according to department’s work and communicate with the owner


1、Skilled Auto CAD

2、Skilled office software, especially the making and the demonstration of PowerPoint

3、Fluent English and Chinese, with listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.